Thursday 3 May 2012

Piracy vs Creating a Brand

Piracy isn't going anywhere

Guys we all know somebody who's commited piracy. We've walked by somebody who was selling pirated meterial, as if it was normal, because deep down inside we believe it's ok. None of us have the guts to go up to a guy selling pirated DVD's and tell them, "Hey dude  that's wrong put those away or I'll call the cops"  first of all we are too scared to, what if he's a hardend criminal or he can kick your but, second of all we make it right in our minds "the musician will make up the money through concerts or the movie star is already famous, this guy selling this merchandise is probably undeducated, poor and this is his only choice aside from robbing people..." and come on lets face it would you rather be robbed at knife piont or be offered a bootleg video or album?

Now my suggestion is that the govournment do the right thing and turn these bootleggers into official salespersons of the album just like in a concert you get normal tickets and then you get golden tickets you also get the normal CD's that will be sold at Black market prices( R5-R20) and the golden album that will be sold at the store prices(R100-R200) this way we rebrand piracy and everybody wins.

campaigns can never stop piracy saying "buy original stuff" and getting a celebrity to support that message won't make the problem go away.
1. Watch the Throne-Kanye West and Jay-Z
2. The Carter 4-lil wayne
3. 21-Adele
4. Where Them Girls At-David Guetta
5. Party Rockers- LMFAO

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Are We The Hero's

Che Gauvara the revolutionary
 Where are our leaders?

The 21st century has come with a lot of technological advancements, the boom of social media a lot of cool stuff. I wonder, whether or not our leaders are up to standerd.The standerd set by leaders who in my opinion where willing to die fo what they believe . Self-less leaders who cared about others, more than they did themselves.Leaders of the previous generations.

When I look at a leader like Jacob Zuma (A Leader and a breader, a term affectionately coined by Zapiro) or even Thabo Mbeki can we compare their impact to that of Mandela? Can we compare the impact of Barak Obama to Martin Luther king? I would say, in my narrow minded view, Martin Luther King did more for humanity as a preacher than any president has done in their capacity.  It seems that as a society we have dropped our standards, do we have Leaders who inspire like Ghandi who organised protests by peasants and farmers to oppose British domination. Che Gauvara who fought against American imperialism in Cuba and stood up for what he believed in. Mother Teresa who dedicated her life to helping the outcast of Culcutta, India.

The Black American president

Martin Luther king giving a lecture
26 March 1964

We still have problems and challenges so why aren't there people standing up and saying no thats wrong! I believe the 21st century leaders are not inspiring the youth. They are not trying to work towards enriching humanity but themselves. Leaders used to be people who practised what they preach now it goes down to who can make the best speech. who can we look to in our lifetime as an example for our generation? Or maybe the question is do we need a hero or are we the heros!

These will be my parting words.Mandela the face of the new South Africa. Ghandi opposed British dominance. Che fought American Imperialism,what will you stand for? -Phemelo Dibodu-