Sunday 7 October 2012

Guys I lost My phone

 I Lost My cellphone
Yep, Loyal Pr Weekly readers the words you are currently reading off your screen are true it's not a cruel joke.I know what your thinking how are we ever going to manage without being able to contact me for advice or more importantly what does this have to do with the Pr communication angle well... In the bigger scheme of things cell phones do get used to communicate so yea that's my communication angle

 Wherefore art thou mr celly
OK back to the phone for a Lil bit I think I lost it yesterday (Saturday 6th October 2013) when a sat down to watch a six aside soccer game, and when I got up it fell out my pocket I thought I'd left it in my room when to my horror a few hours later I searched around in my room and couldn't find it...huh well then i started thinking my friend recently lost his phone in a altercation with a criminal minded individual who happend to be in possession of a fire arm. The communication angle I'm trying to play around here is whether or not we as Pr students can survive without our cell phone and if so for how long and if not why, how was Pr done back in the day?
Well I've been asking around for my phone with no luck thus far I've been trying to call my dad and let him Know we'll see what happens