Friday 23 March 2012

Capitalism And Obesity

 Capitalism and Obesity

Simple but Hard
Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. A person may be overweight from extra muscle, bone, or water, as well as from having too much fat.

I stand to be corrected but fat people need no prefferential treatment. Apart from a clinically diagnosed disease such as hypothyroidism which is the condition of having an underactive thyroid which can lead to a slower motabolism meaning at takes longer than it would an average person to be broken down, Obesity is caused simply by a lack of excersise and over consumption of food.

There are children who die from mulnutrition, hunger and starvation yet we as a society give soo much attention to obesity invest soo much money on getting people to lose weight there are even television programs such as "The Biggest Loser", which is about contestants competing against each other to see who can lose the most weight, why isn't there a game show called "Feed the Children of the World",which can be about which countries can eleviate poverty the quickest and maybe educate the poor communities while they are at it .

Medical proffesionals everywhere will tell you time and time again the treatment for obesity is and always will be healthy eating and regular exercise that's it, simple. It's hard to put into practice but a simple concept none the less there is no miracle diet. When it comes to starvation on the other hand there is no food available that people can eat, and thats the problem, more money needs to go into agriculture people can't starve to death while money is wasted on getting fat people to lose weight, does this even make sense.

I believe that we are treating symptoms not the root causes here, there is an imbalance of recources countries with more recources that are overconsuming overusing and abusing recouces will have citizens with health problems but it will always be easier to make a gameshow about fat people because somehow we can tell ourselves we are trying to help improve the world, but making a gameshow about starving children with exposed ribs or inflated bellies and flies around their mouths trying to see which ones will gain weight the fastest is a different idea altogether, because then we would be facing the real problem the world would see how truly greedy and selfish and inhumane we are.


  1. Philosophical stuff this! how do u then think the problem of starvation, poverty and hunger should be dealt with in Africa specifically? We're not one of the richest continents! infact we're just poor, so what should be done?

  2. In your writing you used the word'fat people'.Don't you think its insulting to call them that.if answered yes or no please provide a reason

  3. Mr Nic Mmako Africa is undisputedly the richest continent interms of recources. our continent produces 80% of the worlds platinum we produce gold and diamonds the african continent is fertile enought o feed its people. what we must now begin to look at is where all our recources are going rather then feeding the people we export our produce we sell our recources to first world countirs only to buy them back at inflated prices we are not a poor continent we just don't know our value.

  4. No,i don't think i'm insulting and i am not intending to be, i just want people to be real with themselves, a tall person is called a tall person a short person is called a short person calling a fat person big boned doesn't make them any less fat.I stand to be corrected but fat is the politically correct term for people who are well... fat.

  5. Fat people need absolutely no preferential treatment and I feel that they are not given special treatment. a show such as the biggest loser is merely a show to encourage people to loose wieight,just as there are also shows like 3rd degree, Asikhulume to discuss issues such as poverty. TBN initiatives, read more on also encourage the alleviation of poverty.I like your idea of having a Feed the children of the world idea.

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