Thursday 5 April 2012

Racism is The Future

South Africa and Racism

Immanual Kant has been quoted as saying: " Humanity  is at it's greatest perfection in the white race." and that  "The yellow indians do have meagre talent, the negroes are far below them, and at the lowest point are a part of the American people."

"Blacks are more likely to be ill treated on race grounds, but blacks are more likely to treat other blacks worse than they would treat people of other races." Sifiso Falala, Chief executive of plus 94.

The issue of race is South Africa is one that I would describe as a blessed curse, throught our tragedy we have salvaged a sense of humanity.With soo many defferences between people race seems to be the difference we identify to cuase the greatest conflict. to a certain extent it's understandable, gender can be seen to compliment the other we have different genders in order to procreate, homosexuallity is treated with hostility because it's not understood. Race to a similar extent is not understood no one can explain to this day why we are racially different. and to theorise about this without questioning our motives can be dangerous. Darwin once said: " some future period, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world." what where these savage races he was talking about, what would happen to the many people who would read his books, what conclusions would they develop.
Recently a Right-wing racist group Afrikaner Bloed won a first prize at a World Press Photo 2012 multimedia contest for showing pictures fof a training camp of young teenage boys. These pictures where shown to Dutch photographers Elles Van Gelder and IIvy Njioiktjien. The pictures showed boys being taught to hate the idea of a new South Africa, of a multiracial country and to not see themselves as South African citizins. I just don't feel comfortable knowing we can be soo casual about such a potentially destructive idea. Adolf Hitler was seen as an idiot he wasn't taken seriously until he rose to power, no-one would of been able to fathom what his plans where for the jewish people, we cannot wait until extremism and murderous ideology is killing millions before we act we must fight these ideologies before they become deadly.                                                  

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