Thursday 19 April 2012

Is it too late for South Africa ?

Is it too late for South Africa? Recently a gangrape video of a 17 year old girl went viral on the internet, bear in mind for this video to have gone viral it means that a lot of people had to have watched it and enjoyed it so much so that it became popular.That's what needs to happen for a video to go viral.
Which brings me back to my question is it too late for us, is crime, rape and corruption so much a part of our culture that we should legalise it and make it a national sport? If not what can we do, bring back the death penalty, enlist more policemen, mob justice what? South Africa is often said to be a beautiful country but if we don't stand together it wont be, I don't want to live in a country where my child can get raped and everyone is fine with it. We must stand together and find salutions in our lifetime lets not let the woman and children who've suffered  thus far to have suffered in vein.Often words of wisdom or warning fall on deaf ears until it's late let our generation not fall into that trap.


  1. Well i think death penalty is main crime solution and i believe parents do play their role in educating and advising thier childrens about the risk of crime so at the edn its up to the individual to buld his future.

    1. Death penalty will add on to the crime because people will take advantage and start killing people when ever they feel justice has not been served. I'M AGAINST IT FROM A RELIGEOUS POINT.

  2. I donot agree with lucky about the death penalty but at the same time i do not give my vote to crime, it is best or a beter way when these criminals can get life sentences in jail or maybe a punishment to give back to the community.

  3. I agree with lucky, I believe if the nation sets an example with one person and hang them if they have committed serious crimes like rape or murder all will be well in our country

  4. I say we kill these criminals. Life sentence doesn't help, people have connections in the police force so, they'll always find a way out. It is too late for us to change our ways. We are in too deep already.

  5. I don't think that rapists deserve to see the dawn of a new day. I mean when you think about the pain and trauma they inflict on their victims, it it unfair. I think they should be punished ten times more.

  6. I think those rapists were very ruthless and emtionless. So hey, what ever they getting must match the intensity of their felony!!

  7. This is a significant public health problem and humiliation to anybody, rape is an unforgivable sin, so my say is that we need anti-rape and non-violence campaigns in our society that can contextualise a difference regarding this issue of rape and the help of the government would surfice especially to changing perceptions about the way we can stop all of this

  8. Firstly there must be a political will from Government to deal with sex crimes. Its sad that we get to read about these articles on the media then its only then that action is taken. What happened to the crime intelligence unit? why these things aint detected long before they beome a catastrophe. just today, two weman raped a mentally disturbed man. where is SA going?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Death penalty is the way to go. These days you get raped, the person is arrested today and 3days later he/she is released from prison. Now what do you call that?

  11. phemelo death penaly for guys who raped.

  12. death penalty of course i mean we i so reallly tired of criminals

  13. THE BOYS ARE REALLY STUPID FOR THINKING THEY WOULD GET AWAY WITH IT. REAL IDIOTS. I'm glad to see that the nation took a stand against this horrific and devastatiing behaviour.

  14. "Hang pal" because they stopped the death sentence crime is escalating in SA so I say bring back the death sentence ,because like Rea says u convicted 4 something today tomorrow u free roaming around in the streets while the poor victims are fearing 4 their lives.

  15. Beaver you are on point, this is not just a national issue. The world has lost a moral fibre, even priests rape.

  16. i totally agree with you hey this rape thing must just stop.

  17. Such situation makes other countries to believe that south africa is the worst country with crime.

  18. It is indeed a sad case...It really feels like this country is going to the dogs, and their is not enough discipline for those who are bringing pain to our societies,our government is not doing enough.
