Wednesday 1 August 2012


Hello ladies and gentlemen. I invite you the the one, the only, 'Political Party Face Off!' presented to you by yours truly, Phemelo Dibodu. Who is your money on? Is it he ANC; the liberator of the opressed, the breeding ground of revolutionaries, the peoples champ? against. The Party vowing to reduce poverty, improve service delivery, and do everything the ANC is struggling to accomplish.

Ok, on a serious note is the competition between the ANC and DA neccessary, both parties are trying to expose each others inadequate service delivery with regards to the toilets Saga.Their campaign budgets run into the millions. Their mandate seems to revolve around doing better than the other wether it be service delivery or just winning votes. Would it not be more beneficial for the country, if the best minds from the DA and ANC where put together to come up with ways of improving the country. In the famous words of Mr king "Why can't we all just get along."
  • Since the ANC came into power unemployment in 1994 26 percent/2012 23,6 percent
  • Murder rate per 100 people in 1994 66.9/ 2012 39.1
  • Life expectancy at birth in 1996 61.4 years / 2012 49.3 years
  • Children in secondary education 1994 58 percent/ 2012 72 percent

Helen Zille the leader of the DA party

Jacob Zuma the president of the ANC and South Africa



  1. I think the competition between the two parties is neccessary because the ANC needs to be challenged and made aware that although they are the ruling party they do not deliver to most of their promises. And who better to do that than the ANC's biggest oppositional party president Helen Zille?

    1. That makes sense but doesn't this mean that the poor suffer while these to battle it out for number one.

    2. I don't think it really does in case you haven't noticed Helen Zille is shown doing great community upliftment programmes in the news like the bicycle initiative she started in Khayelisha for health practitioners to go to remote villages where ambulances can't reach. She is doing her job while helping communities.

  2. Let me say that ANC was not the only political party which saw South Africans being liberated, but it has also played a commendable role in that regard. As for the relationship between ANC and DA, let's be realistic, we can't expect them to really work together! Atleast not now, the DA should just continue with its mandate - someday if the voters will, they'll have their turn to take this country forward...

  3. The problem is that all the politacal party leaders want to lead the country, at the end they forgett about the poor people and feed themselves then that create a bad image with the government that is getting more corrupt.

  4. Imagine how much South Africa could achieve if the political parties moved from competition to co-operation. One thing still holding the country back is that its leaders are too busy focusing on their competition ie each other that they forget about the people they are meant to be serving.

  5. This two parties here wont ever be one ... because they only fighting for one thing... leadership. they do not care about the progammes and the so called delivering promises,delivering promises just happend to be a steping stone to their goal

  6. Yes, it is necessary, competition from the DA party keeps the ANC on their toes. Put together minds of the DA and ANC? no ways. There will be no such co operation in our country only one party and its repressentatives rule. Yes, its awesome to think we can all get along but lets face reality there are 15 different political parties in our country that want to lead South Africa.we might as well include every representative from various parties into one government system and well thats just going to create choas.
