Tuesday 25 September 2012

Real News vs Sensationalism

Real News vs Sensationalism

Ladies a and gentlemen loyal readers of the PR Weekly blogposts.I want you to ask yourself if you can identify the difference between Real News and what the media might convince you is newsworthy but is not, for example A seventeen year old girl being gangraped by seven boys, what ever happened to that? How did we as a society react to this unaxceptable incident. Oh! yea, we accepted it. We didn't even bother to follow up on the matter.On the other hand we have "The Spear" that caused national outrage so much so that the artwork had to be banned

Useless news

  • Lady Gaga's weight gain
  • Lindsy Lohan Health scare
  • Kanye West and his sex tapes
  • Myley Cyrus and when she decides to get married
  • Psy performing topless
Trust me guys all the above mentioned stories are neither newsworthy nor worth your time, if you don't believe me read up on any of them. These stories can best be described as sensationalism on steroids. News is supposed to empower you, give you an understanding of what is happening in your society.

What about
  • The war in Iraq. What ever happened to that people are dying everyday! For what?
  • The Marikana Massacre, Why did people have to die before dialogue could take place?
  • The rape of a seventeen year old disabled girl, where is the humanity?
  • The HIV pandemic we always get told of the sensational stuff what about the honest news?


  1. The sad thing about media in this day and age is that they focus on the bottom line and siedline the sole purpose of the publication. Media now often focuses on tabloid sensationalism and not real valueable news.

    1. But isn't the media being unethical by no giving the news but rather sensationalism

  2. It's all about money. Real stories that the world should know about like wars and such, aren't really focused on because they don't sell. people want to read about their favourite celebrities and what they're up to.

    1. I understand that way of reasoning but don't you think If the war was framed in a different way from a different news angle there wuold be more veiwers showing concern

  3. i agree with Sizzle, media focuses on publications that are not real, nothing gets to be serious these days

    1. I agree with sizzle too Shadeline but I also believe we as PR P's cannot just sit back we must get involved and begin framing real issues in a way they will interest the public

    Boss, news is determined by society. If we as a nation were into hard drugs for instance then we would ONLY WANT STORIES ABOUT HARD DRUGS.

    Instead our identity is based on those who are in the spotlight most often..celebrities.
    Yes, Kanye West's sex tapes may not improve my life..but its new news to me AND its less depressing than gangrape and corruption.

    1. I value your views Tebogo they do make sense why hear depressing news when you could hear exiting news, but don't you think as a PRP you can change perceptions around depressing news and create an image of hopeful news, isn't this our responsibility as the future communication leaders and idea changers.

    2. Yes Boss.
      As PRP'S we are the ones who control where the spotlight shines and on what. Yes we can do as you suggest BUT it seems the only way to help change society is to change our approach itself.
      Our emphasis could be about POSITIVE NEWS ONLY.
      What you focus on is what you get.
      You speak the truth Phemelo

    3. I believe our future is bright if the PRP's are lookig towards hope and optemism rather then sensationalism thank you tebogo for your views and being willing to ingage in dialougue

  5. Its all bout money in the media

    1. Doesn't this imply the media industry is corrupt?

  6. I thing your right on the fact that there should be a clear distinction between NEWS and entertainment news. Although I believe that the focus should not be placed on hard news all the time. We should place ample focus on all different kinds of news so as to get a clear view of the demographics which make up our society.

    1. That is a fair point.I jut believe the balance is lost when soft news is sensationalized and hard news in downplayed
